Saturday, 9 January 2016

TomTom woes

My Tomtom is telling me I need to update the cameras.

I let it login to the website and it gives me a price in pounds sterling. That's strange, as I'm a resident of the Netherlands. I decide to check my details and it doesn't give me an address, it just says I'm in the UK. However it then asks which country I'm in so I say the Netherlands. It asks for confirmation, so I give it confirmation. Then it insists I'm still in the UK. So I can't tell it that I am in Holland. It won't accept a Dutch address or the fact that I live in Holland. but as it is, that means I can't buy an update.
So I'll just pretend I live in England then. Now I do manage to order it and pay for it. Thank goodness. That's worked out. But it's still a bit strange. I had a subscription up to 6 February two thousand sixteen. I border twelve month extension and now it's got a run out on 9 January 2017. I lost a month?

That's what you get for trying to be on time.